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zsh suffix alias

zsh suffix aliases are a quirky little hack that allow you to define an alias for a file extension.


For example, if you would to just type the name of a .js file and open it in vim instead of laboriously typing out vim filename.js, you can pop this into your zshrc file:

alias -s js=vim

Cute. I have it in my config. I rarely use it.

Another use case that I think is legit is bulking up media types as ~smhmd suggested on HN:

alias -s {ape,avi,flv,m4a,mkv,mov,mp3,mp4,mpeg,mpg,ogg,ogm,wav,webm}=mpv

But it’s this comment by ~rgrau that really rolls my socks:

suffix aliases do not even have to refer to a real existing file. They are an alias. That’s what I use to clone git repos I copypaste:

alias -s git=“git clone”

This one is cool, and I actually do use it a lot. Just copy and pasting a git repo URL into the terminal clones it.

HN thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23309310